Saturday, April 19, 2008
Live Life Fearless -GIVING THANKS
Today's blog is a little different than the usual. Normally I blog about random topics in order to spark some dialogue amongst the masses. But today I want to give thanks.....thanks to the Lord for waking me up today and thanks to my friends for being there for me.
Most mornings when I wake up I do thank God for waking me up- but too often we take the simple things for granted. Simple things like waking up in the morning. We take for granted that when we lay down to sleep at night- we'll be waking up tomorrow and that's not always so.
So when we thank God for another day- don't just say it.....mean it! Mean it by appreciating all the simple things in life....appreciating those in your life.....and by making each moment in your life matter cause you can't get it back.
This awareness came after a frightening experience this past Thursday night. I was at a company sponsored event with some co-workers. Towards the end of the night, I happened to notice that my very flat, comfy shoes were feeling a little snug. (just my right foot) As I looked down I noticed my right foot swollen...I slipped off my shoe to find my entire right foot swollen as if I had eaten a box of salt. I elevated it for the remainder of the night. About an hour and a half later, I began to notice a tingling sensation in my right hand but brushed it off. As we began to leave the event I realized that the tingling was nothing to ignore. I took my jacket off to notice that now my right hand was now swollen. My co-workers looked at me and guessed that I had an allergic reaction to something I may have eaten that night although I have no known food allergies. They suggested I go to the emergency room.
At this point I had no reason to worry- I wrote it off as they suggested ( an allergic reaction). About five minutes into the drive to the hospital the tingling sensation began to slowly creep up the entire right side of my body......pins and needles, numbness, everything was cold...... Right then I knew something was not right. I looked over at my co-worker and told her to find the closest hospital instead of the one we were headed to because the sensation was rapidly increasing and I knew that whatever was happening to me was not going to wait for me to get to the hospital of my choice. The sensation was now creeping up my shoulder and rested at the base of my neck......I felt it in the back of my head and the right side of my face. I began to panic - in this moment I felt like I might die because I had no idea what was taking over my body.
I began to cry and talk to God. As much as I talk about living life fearless (not being afraid of pursuing your dreams or trying new things)- in this moment I was afraid. Afraid of the unknown.....I began to reflect on anything that I might have done that was not pleasing to God and asking forgiveness for my sins. I began to think of the book that's not written yet.....all of these great ideas (my website, talk show, etc) that I had yet to make happen.........and I cried.
We pulled up curbside to the emergency room at the Santa Monica UCLA medical center. The security guard let us know that we were in the wrong section of the hospital but as he took a look at my crying face, he rushed over with a wheel chair for me instructing me to breathe slowly and deeply because I was going into shock. He kept repeating to me "You are in control. You are in control." I began to speak "God is in control".
During the admissions process, my body began to shake uncontrollably. My best friend held my hand and continued to tell me that I could control this. Mind over matter. I dug deep to will my body helped. As I was placed in a temporary room- the nurse began to cover my body in a multitude of warm blankets and after ten minutes the entire swelling on the right side of my body subsided. The tingling sensation dissipated- just like that as if it never happened. Shortly thereafter (about 15 mins)- it returned in my hand only.
After being given fluids, having blood drawn, an ekg and cat scan given the doctor found nothing unusual other than my blood pressure being extremely high (borderline hypertension stage)- but that could be written off to the shock I was in. He instructed me to follow up with my doctor the next day, suggested getting an MRI done on my brain and follow up with a neurologist.
My co-workers (Megan, Marie, Monet & Amy) stayed with me throughout the process and I am grateful because I know we were all tired & had to get up for work in a few hours.
I went home with my best friend in tow to keep an eye on me should anything happen. We finally laid down at 4 am only to get right back up at 7. Whatever sensation I had a few hours ago was completely gone. I got in contact with my doctor who was completely booked but he did take the time to talk to me. Off the top of his head- he was completely baffled but suggest I keep a journal of all the foods I've eaten this past week as well as log down any symptoms I had & continue to have.
Yesterday the tingling sensation returned in my right hand, forearm and base of my neck. I've been having minor spasms in the back of my neck (tightness in my neck and a little light headeness).....I can't self diagnose but have been writing down all the possibilities to give my doctor the chance to examine every angle. My girlfriend's dad is a doctor and said he believes I may have had a minor stroke, a co-worker suggested shingles....all of the symptoms are similar however I am not claiming anything that DOES NOT belong to this body. So for now I'm going to keep a journal of my symptoms to take with me to my doctors visit.
I chose to share this info with you guys for a few reasons.
1- to let you know I appreciate each and every one of you. My family, my friends, ....your comments, your encouragement and support- it all means so much to me.
2- to ask for your prayers for healing over my body. I have faith in God and am a believer that he is a healer. But I also know that prayer is powerful and there is power in numbers. If there are any prayer requests that you may have....leave me a message. Let's pray for one another.
3- some of you may have (or know someone who has) experienced these symptoms...maybe you can shed some light for me as I am no doctor but I want to be armed with as much knowledge as I can when I do see my doctor.
Lastly- this eye opening experience just makes me appreciate waking up in the morning. Though they are words that I "say"- these are now words that I "mean". I promise to keep you updated on my situation.
I love u all! So remember begin to live your life fearless! Don't stay in fear- don't be afraid of trying or doing something new....whatever that is.....a new dish, traveling......writing that book you've always talked about, going outside of the norm, not being held back- life life full.......
Thursday, April 17, 2008
School 1960 vs. School 2007
Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school.1960 Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up mates.2007 Police are called, SWAT team arrives and arrests Johnny and Mark. Mobiles with video of fight confiscated as evidence. They are charged with assault, AVOs are taken out and both are suspended even though Johnny started it. Diversionary conferences and parent meetings conducted. Video shown on 6 internet sites.
Jeffrey won't sit still in class, disrupts other students.1960 Jeffrey is sent to the principal's office and given a good paddling. Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.2007 Jeffrey is given huge doses of Ritalin. Counselled to death. Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADD. School gets extra funding because Jeffrey has a disability. Drops out of school.
Billy breaks a window in his neighbor's car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.1960 Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.2007 Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy is removed to foster care and joins a gang. Psychologist tells Billy's sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy's mum has an affair with the psychologist. Psychologist gets a promotion.
Mark, a college student, brings cigarettes to school1960 Mark shares a smoke with the school principal out on the smoking area.2007 Police are called and Mark is expelled from School for drug possession. His car is searched for drugs and weapons. Scenario: Vinh fails high school English.1960 Vinh goes to Remedial English, passes and goes to college.2007 Vinh's cause is taken up by local human rights group. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that making English a requirement for graduation is racist. Civil Liberties Association files class action lawsuit against state school system and his English teacher. English is banned from core curriculum. Vinh is given his Y10 anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English.
Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers, puts them in a model plane paint bottle and blows up an anthill.1960 Ants die.2007 Security and ASIO are called and Johnny is charged with domestic terrorism. Teams investigate parents, siblings are removed from the home, computers are confiscated, and Johnny's dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again. Scenario: Johnny falls during recess and scrapes his knee. His teacher, Mary, finds him crying, and gives him a hug to comfort him.1960 Johnny soon feels better and goes back to playing.2007 Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces three years in prison. Johnny undergoes five years of therapy. Becomes gay.
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Today I'm introducing a new feature to the blog called "FRIDAYS FAVES".
Each week I'll list my favorite things that I'm "feeling" at the it a new artist, a new recipe that I've tried or just some random thing that I like.
Be sure to check back every week...cause you never FAV could become your favorite! And if you've got a favorite of your own you'd like listed- leave a msg.
FRIDAYS FAVES- (week of April 7th)
This British import is the newest singing sensation co-signed to J Records/SyCo Music.
Lewis was the winner of the reality competition The X Factor (the British version of American Idol).
sidebar: "The X Factor" was actually the original version of "Idol" if you will and brainchild of the realest critic ever- Simon Cowell. After it's success Cowell decided to bring his show to America. I told y'all don't sleep on Simon- he is swag splashing for real!
Clive Davis recently invited Lewis to perform at his annual Pre-Grammy party, where he introduced her to an intimate audience of industry executives as the next musical superstar.
Known for his keen ear, Davis identified Fantasia, Alicia Keys and Carrie Underwood as future superstars when they were fresh-faced newcomers.
Since X Factor, Lewis has earned 4 nominations and critical acclaim for her album SPIRIT which was released in the UK this past November and quickly became the country's fastest selling debut album in history.
Though reminiscent of Mariah Carey in looks and vocal range & style, Lewis is making her own imprint. Her first single, "Bleeding Love" was produced by One Republic frontman Ryan Tedder.
Other noteworthy tracks on the album: "BETTER IN TIME"
*FAV PICK #2- "Down Home with The Neelys"
Everyone who knows me knows that I am just as passionate about cooking as I am about eating great food. Needless to say I spend alot of time watching The Food Network Challenge. :-)
Pat & Gina Neely were first introduced to The Food Network on another show "Road Tested".
"Road Tested" takes the sons of cook Paula Deen all across the country for a taste of some of America's best restaurants.
Pats family owns a few restaurants in the Tennessee area best known for their barbeque.
The difference between Pat's barbeque and his brother's is his "dry rub" style that has people lining up at the door to sample. After being featured on the show, Paula Deen brought The Neelys (Pat & Gina) on to her show and viewers fell in love with the chemistry between the couple. They were brought back as a whole (the entire Neely clan) for a few more episodes.
Shortly thereafter, they were given their own show.
They take recipes handed down from thier mothers & grandmothers and put their own twist on it. Recipes like Mama Jeans potato salad and the collard green artichoke dip they did today will have you salivating like Pookie in New Jack City. ("the greens be calling me man!")
Check them out every weekend on The Food Network (channel 55 for you Time Warner folks) or if you want to print out some of the recipes you can go to
*FAV #3- climbing stairs (exercise)*
This week I've taking my health & exercise regiment to a WHOLE NUVA LEBEL (watch MAD TV)
A few co-workers and I decided to get in shape by repeatedly climbing the 9 flights of stairs in our parking garage .
This is a great workout for the quads, hamstrings and the booty maximus. :-)
Who says you have to spend a lot of money to look good?
For those of you on a budget who can't afford those monthly gym membership fees- try this workout for free. Get yourself a good pair of walking shoes and instead of going to In N' Out for lunch- grab a few co-workers and hit the stairs. Or find a local park in the area.... Find out if your company offers any free incentives. Our agency offers free yoga classes weekly. And on the weekend, I walk over to the local high school to hit the track. My wallet thanks me and so does my booty.
Well you guys- that does it for my few favs this week!
Let me know some of your favorites!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
a little kindess can go a long way

So in the last blog I posted for March, I mentioned that I had recently taken on a part-time job working at trade shows/conventions. Although I work in various capacities, at this last gig I was hired to work as a greeter. In this position I was posted at an entrance and basically I just had to greet attendees, answer general questions & show people where and how to register.
Pretty simple indeed and easy money. Holding the door open for patrons, I greeted each person warmly with a big smile. Most reciprocated the friendly gestures- some completely ignored me by walking past as if they didn't hear me or I wasn't even standing there. Now given the fact that the entrance I was posted at barely had any foot traffic over a period of 3 days, I knew darn well these people heard me say hello and ask if they needed assistance. But taking it personally is what I didn't do... I know some people walk around feeling "entitled" if you will.
But those obvious actions made me reflect on the thousands upon thousands of people who work in service industries. Waiters, waitresses, the guy at the gas station filling your gas tank at the full serve station, the checkout clerk at the grocery get the idea. The people who perform "thankless" jobs without so much as a thank you from customers- knowing that the jobs that they do perform are indeed important.
It's the woman who cleans your bathrooms at work, the bartender who serves your drinks at the club, the waitress who takes your order and serves your food, the grocery clerk who has to carry your groceries out to the I call "thankless" because for most of us- we wouldn't imagine ourselves doing these jobs if we didn't have to....and alot of customers don't thank these people for helping them. Cleaning your toilet is not something I'm sure they don't "want" to do- alot of people take these jobs because they "have" to. And instead of complaining- they deliver service with a smile only to be ignored, not spoken to, disregarded.....
Just imagine if they stopped doing the job that they's happened at my job once when the labor unions went on strike- our trash didn't get picked up for days- our bathrooms were dirty- when our cleaning lady who washed our dishes was fired recently after 11+ years- we had to bust our own dishes....TRUST realize just how important these people are and what an amazing job they do...cause you wouldn't want to do it for yourself if you didn't have to.
Being an extremely friendly person for me has always come naturally on top of the fact that being kind to people was instilled in me from my family at a young age. So "please & thank you" are words I use quite often- treat 'em like u want 2 be treated. So yes I do know the name of the woman who cleans our nasty ladies room every single day (Victoria), and I do know the name of the woman who has come into our office for the past 11+ years to clean our kitchen, our refrigerator and wash our dishes (Crispina) and the security guard who makes sure that no one is breaking into our office or that my crazy ex-boyfriend isn't in the building stalking me (that's another blog- LOL) her name is Shalon. And I remember their birthdays- (well some of 'em and every year I give them Xmas cards just because it's the LITTLE things that mean the MOST to alot of people)- just to be acknowledged.
I know their names because I care- not because I have to- but because I want's just a part of my DNA and the way I was raised. And it's important 2 me to treat people kindly. When I was a serious party girl on the LA scene about 5 years back- I was a regular at all the Hollywood hot spots. I even threw parties of my own working as a club promoter. Over the span of 3 years, I became really cool with all the door men, the cashiers, the bartenders, the promoters..... the people most patrons think are insignificant.... But because I knew their names and took the time to know about them (again because i WANTED to)- I never waited in line to get into a club- I never paid to get into a club- I ALWAYS had full access behind the VIP black velvet rope no questions asked- the bartender never charged me for drinks (though my girl & I always tipped him)...... because I genuinely showed an interest in them- and just took the time to be nice wanting nothing in return- they showed me major love....which explains the title of the post (a little kindness goes a long way).
Kindness is an important characteristic/quality that I look for in a mate....actually for me it is one of my two all time deal breakers. (being rude & smoking cigarettes will get you no return calls from me ever) I observe how my guy treats others...not just family & friends (people he's familiar with) but people he doesn't know....a random stranger or person serving him.
About 5 years ago, I was dating this guy from Vegas. He was (and still is) an on air DJ personality on one of Vegas' top rated urban contemporary stations. Brother is fine....down to earth..great sense of humor. In the relationship, he was attentive, called when he said he would, wrote letters, sent pictures and cards, treated me special and (here's the clincher) loved his mama & grandma like no other!
Well someone so loving could never be so nasty or mean I thought. I thought wrong.
On one of my frequent weekend trips to visit him in Vegas- his true colors came shining thru on 2 separate incidents.
The first was at a restaurant he took me to for dinner...a restaurant that he apparently frequented. He let me know in advance upon entering the place that there was a particular waitress that he didn't care too much for.... they had gotten into it in the past behind something minor...but he informed me because she was working that day and she may end up serving us. Well we ended up sitting in someone else's station but had he been rude or slightly off to her- I would've written it off as some past history/beef they had and not thought twice. But we ended up with a different server- and let me tell you how short & mean my guy was to our waiter- for no apparent reason. Just nasty- and I'm thinking- he is serving OUR FOOD. I've worked in the fast food industry as a teen and have spit in many a taco behind a rude customer. Yeah I know... but I was young and I wasnt where I am now spiritually. LOL Remember Miss Celie in Color Purple- "next time I put a lil' Shug Avery piss in his water- see how he like that" ;-)
Later that day- we ride over to the local convention center because he needs to set up for MAGIC (an annual men's apparel convention)- he was dee jaying at one of the booths for the week so he had to set up his equipment. It was pouring down raining that day. I was already taken aback by his behavior at the restaurant but then he took it to a whole new LEBEL (watch MAD TV- you'll get the joke) preparation for MAGIC- the Convention Center had certain drop off points that all the designers & folks associated with the convention were to park thier cars and roll in thier goods. Well because he didnt have a cover for his equipment (due to the unexpected weather)- there was no way he was going to pull up hundreds of feet from the entrance in the pouring rain with unprotected electrical equipment. That I understood. So quite naturally, he pulled up curbside and began to quickly unload his equipment instructing me to move the car if necessary. Well immediately this elderly gentleman who had been hired to work as parking security (much like my greeter position at the Mart)- was just doing his job as he approached our car to instruct us to park elsewhere. Now instead of my nutty friend simply explaining that he had electrical equipment that would get damaged if he parked elsewhere- he just went on a rampage on this poor old man- calling him every name in the book- screaming-acting like a wild banshee..... he just continued doing his thing- i hopped in the drivers seat to move the car...but spent most of my time apologizing to this little old man whose nerves were so rattled by my dee jay's rant that he didn't know what to do... i felt like crap for even knowing this dude.
Well needless to say....after that I took no more weekend trips to Vegas....he was dismissed just like a cashier stealing from the till.... him had to go! :-)
So all that to say..... remember the next see the janitor emptying your trash can....or the little lady cleaning your toilets...stop and say hello. ask her/him how thier day was....cause you never know just how much a LITTLE kindess can go a LONG way!
okay so one of my girlfriends emailed myself & a few co-workers regarding this story (read scenario below) and asked us if placed in this situation...what would we do? below is her original email as is along with our responses and her comments in order.
If you were in this situation...what would you do?
I guess a man in Cerritos found a bag of unmarked bills totaling $140,000. He turned it in and they gave him a reward of only $2,000 and an interview on the local news. Now, I think that he went about it wrong. I would have turned the money in but not just to the local police department. I would have called a press conference and announced that I had found this money in the road and for the person to come meet me to claim it. Being that its on TV, the person would have to feel obligated to give me more than a measly $2,000. Then, I would milk the fame! I would be sure that my story made it to the Today Show, Good Day LA, Dateline NBC, and the Tonight Show. By the end of it, I wouldn't have made $140,000 but I would be a household name for maybe a day and that would make up for it. Would you have just kept the money since there would have been no way of tracing it to you!?!?!
I'd give it back
It's the whole "pay it forward" philosophy.
He may have "only" gotten $2000, but for him it could be just what he needed to avoid a foreclosure, but food or clothing for his family, pay off a bill or loan that is bogging him down. And the $140,000 could belong to a charity – or could be a medical payment for a family that, out of the goodness of their hearts gave a goodwill reward to the man, and now have to work to raise the $2000 they gave away.
It'll pay out tenfold for him in the long run…I firmly believe that…I HAVE to believe that.
I don't think that people will go through life without being rewarded in one way or another for the good things they do. And you might not see the rewards right away. And maybe you aren't looking for the right kind of reward.
Wow…didn't mean to preach. I'll leave it by saying that good things come to those who wait.
Someday, we'll all see that in one way or another.
How would you be so sure that if you announced it on TV that hundreds of people would come forward claiming that money. How would you know who's it really belongs to?
I would have turned it in as well. Even if I didn't get anything back.. I'd be ok with that.
Perhaps it all comes down to waiting until you are walking down a dark street and see a bag o' money to see what someone would really do….
I mean- you don't know until you're put in that situation.
We were just talking about this. But there's no way you could hold onto it.
Even if you did a press conference- the police would step in 1.
2 –like Aja said you'd have no way to know who it belonged to. Maybe eventually but not at first cause so many crazies would come out the wood works to claim it. Who's to say the owner would give you more than the $2000 the police gave. Maybe that was all the money they had or needed for something like Megan said. So the owner may say I wish I could give you more but here's a $100- that's $100 you didn't have.
3- Going on TV to announce you found a bag of money is crazy- because you'd be knocked upside the head before you could leave the conference (LOL) or kidnapped so you could take them to the money. Girl people will do some strange things for money or just the thought of it.
I watch "Snapped" all the time- spouses killing each other, kids killing their parents- don't think you'll just be walking around like LODDIE DODDIE and not get jumped- LMAO
Lastly I wouldn't be walking down some dark alley. And if I did find the bag- I'd be too damn scared to take it- thinking some drug dealer dropped it- left it- is looking for it. Or it could be a police sting… my past- hell yeah- I would've took it- not even took time to think about if it belonged to someone who needed it. I just would've spent it up faster than my nail polish could dry. But now my conscious works differently. I'd put myself in the owner's shoes. You don't know why it was in the bag or what it was needed for. And I'd feel like boo boo to hear on the news that someone lost it that needed it knowing I had it- and spent it. Karma has a way of working- I know all too well- and God's Karma is no joke. Cause trust-he will find a way to take something from you that means the world. You take that money today and somewhere down the line- someone close to you passes away, or you get jacked up in an accident- stealing $140,000 is not worth compromising yourself or losing something precious in the end.
Besides whatever amount of reward you get- is more than you had to begin with. And you still got your clear conscious.
On top of that whatever 5 minutes of recognition you get will fade when the next headlining story hits the news- you can't milk that.
You're better off going on a reality show and winning money that way. Now THAT 15 mins of fame you can bank on! LOL
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