I apologize because it's been some time since I've last posted to the site.
My intention was to write as much as I could but lately my health has been sidelining me but I'm back!
Thanks to the homie "My Brutha Brub" from MySpace for putting me up on this film and for always keeping my eyes open and making me aware of other issues in the world.
On the island of the Dominican Republic, tourists flock to pristine beaches unaware that a few miles away thousands of dispossessed Haitians have toiled under armed-guard on plantations harvesting sugarcane, most of which ends up in U.S. kitchens. They work grueling hours and frequently lack decent housing, clean water, electricity, education or healthcare. "The Price of Sugar" follows Father Christopher Hartley, a charismatic Spanish priest, as he organizes some of this hemisphere's poorest people, challenging powerful interests profiting from their work. This film raises key questions about where the products we consume originate and at what human cost they are produced.
I was just watching DARFUR DIARIES this morning.
We're really fortunate to be living in this country- and after watching some of these films/documentaries..it makes me have a new appreciation for all the little things.
So next time you're standing in line at Coffee Bean complaining about the price hike on your favorite latte- think about the countless girls & women being raped in Darfur- or the many Haitians who are basically being slaved out to harvest sugar (that we put in our coffee drinks) in the Dominican Republic.
Just food 4 thought y'all.check the trailer at:http://www.thepriceofsugar.com or http://www.myspace.com/thepriceofsugar
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