Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11/01- WHERE WERE YOU?

THIS GOES OUT TO THOSE WHO LOST THIER LIVES SEVEN YEARS AGO ON THAT FATEFUL DAY. R.I.P. WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THE TOWERS FELL? I was getting dressed for work when my roommate called me into her room. Her voice was shaken....She kept saying "Oh my God! I can't believe this has happened!" I asked what was going on as I positioned myself in front of the television. She told me about a plane crashing into one of the Towers in NYC.....I watched in disbelief as the image reappeared on the screen. I'll never get that image out of my head- the plane crashing into the side of the tower. Although I was paralyzed with disbelief and fear, I had to leave so that I could get to work on time. Driving into work that day, my boyfriend and I listened intently to the local radio station recount the details of that fateful morning. As I arrived to the warehouse that I worked at, I came into the office to find the entire staff posted around the television in the break room fixated on the horror in front of their eyes. We did not work that day- all we could do is watch in shock and horror.....cry...and pray. I can't believe that seven years has passed but this is a day that will never be forgotten...... R.I.P. to those whose lives were lost that day- R.I.P. to all the firefighters, police officers, EMT's and volunteers who gave of themselves selflessly and who lost their lives searching for the remains of lives lost. R.I.P. to those bodies that were never found and for those who have still not found closure

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